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Ефектът на стигмата и приобщаващото образование в масовите училища

Ирена Ексхафери


Inclusion is a most discussed phenomenon at our society. Children with disable needs, when they go to mainstream schools, face a lot of problems. One of them is stigma. Mainstream education is a key policy in the promotion of social inclusion (Scottish Executive, 2000; Department of Health 2002).

Stigma is a complex term defined as a visible or invisible attribute, deeply discrediting, that disqualifies its bearer from full social acceptance, often resulting in several forms of discrimination (Goffman, 1963). There is evidence that different educational settings may expose children to different levels of stigmatized treatment. Due to their cognitive impairments, the social identities of intellectually disabled children can be devalued and depersonalized into stereotypic caricatures (Crocker et al 1998).

Literature suggests three strategies most used against stigma.

Key words: stigma, school, disability, strategy, teacher

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