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Electronic Issue

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The International Journal of Postmodernism Problems (PMPJournal) is a forum for social scholarship and it publishes articles and book reviews examining a broad range of issues in postmodernism social theory and research. PMP Journal publishes the best available scholarship on all aspects of society. All methods of scholarly inquiry should be methodologically sound, thoughtfully argued, and well crafted. Manuscripts are processed by blind review so author identification must be removed from all pages except the title page, which is retained by the editor.

The publications can be in English or Bulgarian language with relevant summaries of the other language.

The Journal is guided by the requirements for publication of the sixth edition of the APA style http://www.apastyle.org/

Guide publication: 1 May 2011

There are no restrictions concerning the number of pages in manuscripts. A good option would be up to 10,000 words.

Effective 1 May 2011, all submitted manuscripts must be prepared in strict accordance with the 6th edition (2nd printing) of the Publication Manual.

  • Page 1 must include an abstract (maximum of 300 words) and selected keywords (at least 5 of author's own).
  • Page 2 starts with the title and the main text.
  • Standard type (12-point font, 1,5 lines-spaced, Times New Roman,
  • Page numbering is not required.
  • Notes and References should be at the end of manuscripts and start on a new page.
  • Notes, if any, are numbered in order of their appearance in the text and placed at the end of text.
  • References have to be alphabetically ordered and each reference has to be mentioned in the text as a continuous quotation and vice versa.

Some examples: Referencing in the text:

-In the case of only one author:

Peicheva (2013) states that media literacy must be considered as a situated practice.

-Direct quote from a book or journal article with one author:

Regarding the medial literacy Peicheva (2014: 83) states that "media literacy must be considered as a situated practice"

-or Regarding digital literacy "digital literacy must be considered as a situated practice´ (Peicheva, 2014: 30)."

Creating a reference list:

- Book with one author: Peicheva, D. (2000). Mediatized reality. Sofia: SWU Publishing

- Journal article: Peicheva,D. (2014) Digital Literacy. Postmodernism problems. Vol. 7, pp. 28-34

In addition, please remove all author names and institutional information from manuscripts, so as to enable blinded peer review. Manuscripts which do not follow these requirements, or which are otherwise deemed unsuitable for publication will be returned to the author(s) for remaking. Manuscripts meriting review will be read anonymously, usually by two referees. In most instances, authors can expect decisions on their work within 30 days. The Journal retains the right not to make changes in accepted manuscripts.

Manuscripts should be directed online to the Editor-in-Chief at PMPJournal e-mail PMPjournal@swu.bg

Questions about the publication procedure or paper status can be addressed to the editor-in-chief Prof. D. Peicheva (peichevad@swu.bg) or to the scientific secretary D-r Dilyana Keranova (dkeranova@swu.bg).