Feminist sociology is centered around the woman in three ways.
Firstly, the main subject of the survey is the situation or
situations related to the experience of women in society. Secondly,
she treats women as the central subject of the research process,
that is, she strives to see the world through the woman's different
view, the woman's vantage point in the world. Third, feminist
theory is critical and active, seeking to create a better world for
women, and hence for the whole of mankind. Feminist theories differ
from other sociological theories in many ways. First, they are the
work of an international community that includes not only
sociologists but scientists from other disciplines such as
anthropology, biology, economics, history, law, literature,
philosophy, political science, psychology, and theology. This
includes political activists of the women's movement, writers and
other creative personalities from both Europe and the United States
and from the Third World. Many sociologists are suspicious of
feminist theories, finding them to be too radical and related to
political activism.
Key words: feminism; feminism theories;
sociology of feminism.
About the Author:
Ivan Evtimov is
Associate Professor, New Bulgarian University.