Internet and new technologies allow us to be part of global
network, including a steady stream of information, communication
and fast and easy access to services. Despite the rapid spread of
Internet and digital technologies, much of the world's population
remains excluded from the digital economy. There are also some
differences between those who have access. The new forms of
inequality create marginalized groups. These groups do not have
internet access and therefore at some point will not be able to
participate in social, economic and political life.
The new environment requires development of digital skills - a
set of skills that enable efficient information management and
proper use of ICT (Wallis, 2005). It is clear that individual's
digital connections and capital play key roles in academic
achievement and defines individual's success in labor market. This
explains why too much attention is paid from researchers to
children and adolescents, those who are born in the digital
Today's teenagers have technology literacy, although there are
differences between them in terms of access, use and skills. By the
time when children enter middle school some of them have better
access to digital resources. The lack of it often deprives young
people's opportunities to develop valuable web skills.
In this article we examine the available literature and research
methods of digital skills. Using the data from a survey of students
between 13 and 18 years in Sofia city we will attempt to outline
guidelines for measuring the actual skills of students and skills
challenges, threats and children's abilities gaps which do not give
them a chance to compete in the digital age.
Key words: digital skills, digital
divide, digital inequality, digital competences, social