Digital Transformation of the Reader - between Tradition and Modernity
Kristina Varbanova-Dencheva
The present study discusses the problems of the changes in
attitudes of the modern reader in the context of the changed living
conditions in a digital environment which is created to transform
human society into a knowledge-based society. The thematic scope of
the presented study is limited in three aspects of the changes in
the characteristics of the contemporary reader, which are provoked
by: the factors for changing the media model and establishing its
contemporary parameters; the construction of the "digital citizen"
and the inevitable change in the educational models that form his
digital literacy; the creation of the new digital reader in the
knowledge society.
Key words: digital reader, digital education
models, digital transformation of media models
About the Author:
Varbanova-Dencheva is a Doctor of Science Studies (2001), associate
professor of book science, librarianship and bibliography (2004)
and professor of theory of scientific information (2009).
Since 2005 he has been a lecturer at the University of
Library Science and Information Technology; from 2006 to 2014 he is
Head of the Department of Books and Society at the Faculty of
Librarianship and Cultural Heritage and from 2014 is a Vice Dean of
the Faculty.
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